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What You

Need To Know

What Is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is an incredibly powerful way to change lives, full of purpose and possibility. By giving birth to a child for another family, a surrogate is an essential partner for people who want to have a baby but can’t go through a pregnancy of their own for medical or personal reasons.

As a surrogate, you’re transforming someone’s life, helping bring a new one into the world, and changing your own in the process. It’s a serious commitment, physically, mentally, and emotionally. A hormonal roller coaster. A feat of epic proportions. And—if you ask any one of us who has experienced it firsthand—

Many of us have been inspired by people in our lives who would be incredible parents but face obstacles to having children—a gay best friend, for example, or a favorite aunt with fertility issues. Given a chance to bring joy to what could otherwise be heartache, we’ve chosen to help create something that couldn’t happen without us.

About Gestational Surrogacy

With gestational surrogacy, any concerns about being related to the baby can be put to rest. Lots of potential surrogates as well as their nervous partners have this question at first, so here are a few key points: 

It can be helpful to keep in mind that many parents may arrive to this process after dealing with fertility issues or overcoming other obstacles to family planning and donor selection. Our priority is to offer a space that centers you as the surrogate through every step of the journey.

completely worth it.
Two kids drawing on Mom's pregnant belly
Mother and daughter looking at open laptop

If all goes as hoped, this results in an embryo which is then placed in your uterus for you to carry to term

Through a procedure called in vitro fertilization (or IVF for short), the egg and sperm are gathered and the fertilization happens outside the body

Both the egg and the sperm come from donors and/or from an intended parent, which means you as the surrogate will not share any genetic connection with the baby

Gestational Carrier vs. Gestational Surrogate: What's The Difference?

The term gestational carrier is the same as the more commonly used term gestational surrogate, often referred to as a surrogate. 

Rush you

Pressure you

Judge you

Treat you like a number

Forget about

At We Don't:

Listen to you

Advocate for you

Support you

Are honest

Go at your pace

At We:

What We Do At

We can make you two promises — your surrogacy journey will be full of new experiences and you will never have to do any of it alone! Our team is here to hold your hand from our initial assessment through finding the right agency and beyond. 


We not only match surrogates to the right agency but also ensure their agency (and later, their intended parents) meets their needs and wants. What you want from this journey matters, and we’re here to advocate for you the best way we can. 


Here’s what makes our ability to advocate special:  

A team of surrogate experts who have been working with surrogates for decades

Team members who have personally experienced surrogacy

A commitment to be present through every step of your journey

We know how important it is to have support on this journey, and that’s exactly what you will get from us. Need more context on what does? You don’t have to ask us twice!

Smiling pregnant woman talking on the phone

You’re making a deeply personal and exciting decision whenever you commit to being a gestational surrogate. We take the work out of finding the right agency and the right intended parents, so you can focus your attention on following your instinct. We’ll take the time to talk through your wants, concerns, needs, and preferences list to make your dream journey a reality.

We Make Your Job Easier

We Help You Ask The Right Questions When Matching

Matching is not only about having a general idea about what intended parents you would like to work with; it’s about getting down to your detailed preferences. There’s no such thing as too much information when outlining your wants, needs, and hard nos. We take the time to discuss your preferences in detail so that no question goes unanswered, whether it’s about medical factors, personality matches, or location preferences.

We Check In Even After You’re Matched With An Agency

We’re your advocates throughout your entire journey. We want to hear how it’s going, if you need support or to be celebrated. Many matching services introduce you to an agency and let the agency take it from there, not at! We will continue to check in throughout your journey and provide postpartum support too. We partner with your agency to ensure you’re on the smoothest journey possible. 

We’re Your Advocate; Lean On Us!

We know you’re a pregnancy expert, but surrogacy is probably a new experience, so we’re here. We’re your advocate and partner with your agency so that you always have your questions answered and feel supported every step of the way. We value communication, transparency, and support; it’s our commitment to you.

Our Team Shares Personal Surrogacy Experiences Too

While every surrogate mom’s journey is uniquely hers, belonging to a community of people who have“been there” instantly is comforting. We’re proud to say that our team of experienced surrogates just “get” it. We are here to answer any questions or concerns; nothing is too small or too big for us. We’re also happy to share our experiences if you want to hear from someone who’s been there before! 

Two women talking in doctor's office

We get a warm and fuzzy feeling whenever we think of how we can be here to support you in your journey of helping grow your intended parents’ family. We promise to be here to ask and answer

all the important questions!

Surrogacy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you like a list? Because we’re about to dive into the lists of all lists. Welcome to your step-by-step surrogacy guide, AKA a guide to what can become an exciting and fulfilling part of your life. 


Here’s what you should know:

Every mom’s surrogacy journey marches to the beat of her own drum in terms of timing

Each surrogate hits the same celebratory milestones in her journey — it’s what makes it easy for surrogates to relate to and support one another! 

On that note, let’s talk about how we’ll welcome you from day 1! 

These steps focus on becoming a surrogate and enjoying the experience while it happens. You can learn more about how long each step typically takes here.

Pregnant woman enjoying a sandwich in a kitchen

Complete The Surrogate Application & Ask, Are The Stars Aligning?

Step 1 to becoming a surrogate: Fill out your compatibility form. You’ll answer questions like, “Are you between the ages of 21-42?” and “Do you live in a state other than Nebraska and Louisiana?”

Share About Your Health, Medical History, Past Pregnancies, & Favorite Band

If you’ve made it to this step, surrogacy may be a good match for you — YAY! Now’s the time to tell us your life story. Seriously. Between an application and a conversation, we’ll want to know everything you can tell us about your past pregnancies, health concerns, hobbies, and likes and dislikes. It’s going to get a little personal, but part of being a surrogate is really putting yourself out there.

Meet Experienced Surrogates

Not that we’re keeping score, but if you’ve made it to this step, you’ve passed the first phase with flying colors and now you get to meet other women who have been in your shoes. Your Q+A with experienced surrogates will be a safe space to ask questions. By the way, no question is too big, too small, or TMI.

Match With A Surrogacy Agency

You are here! It’s agency matching time. We will make it easy for you to have options to compare and choose from. The goal isn’t to match you with the first agency but to match you with the right-for-you agency. You’ll consider: if your values align, the kind of support the agency offers, and the types of parents they can match you with. When we find the right fit, we’ll introduce you and tell them how amazing you are! Once you select an agency, they will walk you through a social work and psychological screening process. 

Match With Intended Parents

Get ready to meet your (intended) parents! Once an agency has cleared and okayed you as a potential surrogate, the process moves forward into the “matching with intended parents” milestone. You’ll create “profiles” that show who you are and what you’re looking for in a surrogacy match and journey. It makes getting to know each other just a bit easier! 


After surrogates and parents favorite each other’s profiles, they can choose to move forward with a video chat if both parties feel they might be a good match. PS: Don’t be surprised if an agency asks a few more questions down the line; they just want to get to know you even better!

Meet With Us & Talk About Agency Matching & Next Steps In The Process

This step involves literal FaceTime (no need to do your makeup) and more face time about the people you may be getting to know over the next 18 months. We will have a full intake call with you to discuss the process, your background, goals for your surrogacy journey and from there, will make sure we match you to a like minded agency with like minded intended parents! It’s an exciting time for all involved! 

Follow Through On Screening Tests, Legal Work & Your First Milestone Trip

Once you’re happily matched with your intended parents, this step will focus on teaching you about your IVF journey, which means you’re one step closer to pregnancy! This step also means you can check the list on your first travel milestone — a visit to your intended parents’ IVF clinic for a full medical screening. You’ll also be working with your legal counsel to negotiate your surrogacy agreement. Once all parties are aligned and the doctor gives the green light: you are officially matched and ready to move forward!

Start Your IVF Journey, aka Shots, Shots, Shots

We know no one loves shots, but a little chant makes them a bit easier, maybe? After you’ve been cleared by the intended parents’ IVF clinic, they’ll prep you by explaining the medications you’ll need to get your body ready for pregnancy. 

Pineapples, French Fries, & Lucky Socks, Oh My!

Embryo transfer day is a big deal in the surrogacy world, so much so that there are a few traditions you’ll get to make your own. During this milestone trip, you and your support person will head to your intended parents’ IVF clinic again. This trip will last anywhere from 4-7 days, and you may even get to meet the IPs in person for the first time! In addition to that first meeting, you’ll arrive at one of the biggest days in your surrogacy journey — the day the embryo is transferred!  After the transfer, you’ll spend a few days resting and hopefully getting pregnant!! Eek! 

Start Your Two-Week Wait With A Side Of Anticipation

After embryo transfer day, you’ll go back home and start “the two-week wait” (TWW). At the end of those two weeks, you’ll go to your local clinic for a Beta test (blood test) to see if the embryo transfer was successful. If your levels are where they need to be, you will be considered pregnant…hooray! If it is unsuccessful, the intended parents’ IVF doctors will determine the best next steps.

 All Things Pregnancy

If you are pregnant – congratulations!! Time to bask in that glow as you grow. In addition to focusing on having a healthy pregnancy, you’ll also spend this step deepening your relationship with your intended parents and establishing care for your pregnancy with your OBGYN! 


Towards the second half of your pregnancy, you, your intended parents, and your agency will come up with a birthing plan that works for everyone involved.

Giving Birth & Life After Surrogacy

YOU DID IT! We always knew you could! Once you’ve given birth, you’ll enter the fourth trimester. While we definitely want to help you ease back into your life, we also want to celebrate just how transformative and magnificent you were through this journey. You helped grow a family. We’ll be there checking in on you and ensuring you have everything you need to ease yourself back into “normal” life.

Sticky note that says "The goal isn't to match you with the first agency but to match you with the right-for-you agency."

How Do I Qualify To Be A Surrogate?

We know you’re so excited to learn about how to qualify to be a surrogate, but before we dive in we just want to say — 

we are so glad you are here!

We already feel like we’ve met before because we have a shared mission: helping families grow through surrogacy.

This is good because your first step is usually a compatibility form that helps us get to know you more. You want to learn more about the surrogacy process, and we want to learn more about you and what inspired you to take on this journey!

Surrogate Requirements: The Basics

When you kick off your compatibility test, you’ll first need to meet these criteria:

Little girl standing on a stool applying makeup to her Mom's face

You have a BMI of less than 35

You are a US Citizen or green card holder

You live in the United States in any state except for Nebraska and Louisiana (these states do not have friendly surrogacy laws)

You had no more than 3 C-sections

You have carried at least one full-term pregnancy and delivery without complications

You are between 21-42 years old

Relationship status?

While a surrogate doesn’t have to have a romantic relationship or partner, if they do, the partner would need to be briefed, involved, and committed to supporting the surrogate. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, surrogacy still requires you to have at least one person who can be your go-to support person on the journey, for everything from childcare if needed, to pregnancy cravings, and possible 3 AM phone calls!

Do you have kids of your own?

AKA who runs your world? Is it a little human who doesn’t let you go to the bathroom alone? Mommas, we know the feeling! But it’s okay because to be a gestational surrogate, you need to be currently raising your own child within your home or have already raised a child(ren). (A stage 5 bathroom clinger counts!)

Are you into tattoos or piercings?

Love this for you, but we’ll need to double-check that you got them at a clean and licensed shop by a professional, especially if it’s been within the last 12 months.

Lifestyle Requirements

If you meet the above criteria, awesome! Next, we want to learn more about your day-to-day life and hobbies:

Did you have any pregnancy or delivery complications? 

What is your mental health history? Have you had support for mental health in the past? We'll just need to learn about the details. (We all lived through COVID, so zero judgment here!
We just want to make sure you’re adequately supported.)

Do you have/have you had an STD or STI?

Health Requirements

Surrogacy is about you and baby having the healthiest, most joyful experience ever. You should be ready to share some personal details about your health history:

Health Requirements


Surrogacy is about you and baby having the healthiest, most joyful experience ever. You should be ready to share some personal details about your health history:

Do you have/have you had an STD or STI?

What is your mental health history? Have you had support for mental health in the past? We'll just need to learn about the details. (We all lived through COVID, so zero judgment here! We just want to make sure you’re adequately supported.)

Did you have any pregnancy or delivery complications?

Relationship status?

While a surrogate doesn’t have to have a romantic relationship or partner, if they do, the partner would need to be briefed, involved, and committed to supporting the surrogate. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, surrogacy still requires you to have at least one person who can be your go-to support person on the journey, for everything from childcare if needed, to pregnancy cravings, and possible 3 AM phone calls!

Do you have kids of your own?

AKA who runs your world? Is it a little human who doesn’t let you go to the bathroom alone? Mommas, we know the feeling! But it’s okay because to be a gestational surrogate, you need to be currently raising your own child within your home or have already raised a child(ren). (A stage 5 bathroom clinger counts!)

Are you into tattoos or piercings?

Love this for you, but we’ll need to double-check that you got them at a clean and licensed shop by a professional, especially if it’s been within the last 12 months.

Lifestyle Requirements

If you meet the above criteria, awesome! Next, we want to learn more about your day-to-day life and hobbies:

Time Requirements

Every woman’s surrogacy is different. You’ll have the opportunity to share with us when you believe you’d be ready to begin your surrogacy (we’re on YOUR schedule!). In general, a surrogacy journey can last anywhere from 18-24 months from start to finish. Here’s an idea of what to  expect during this time.

Application process and screening

Matching with an agency and then with intended parents

Legal contracts and medical screening

Medications and IVF appointments (traveling for your embryo transfer, a trip that’s about 3 days)

Building a relationship with your intended parents

Agency team check-ins

Growing a little baby!

Relationship status?

While a surrogate doesn’t have to have a romantic relationship or partner, if they do, the partner would need to be briefed, involved, and committed to supporting the surrogate. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, surrogacy still requires you to have at least one person who can be your go-to support person on the journey, for everything from childcare if needed, to pregnancy cravings, and possible 3 AM phone calls!

Do you have kids of your own?

AKA who runs your world? Is it a little human who doesn’t let you go to the bathroom alone? Mommas, we know the feeling! But it’s okay because to be a gestational surrogate, you need to be currently raising your own child within your home or have already raised a child(ren). (A stage 5 bathroom clinger counts!)

Are you into tattoos or piercings?

Love this for you, but we’ll need to double-check that you got them at a clean and licensed shop by a professional, especially if it’s been within the last 12 months.

Lifestyle Requirements

If you meet the above criteria, awesome! Next, we want to learn more about your day-to-day life and hobbies:

Love this for you, but we’ll need to double-check that you got them at a clean and licensed shop by a professional, especially if it’s been within the last 12 months.

Are you into tattoos or piercings?

While a surrogate doesn’t have to have a romantic relationship or partner, if they do, the partner would need to be briefed, involved, and committed to supporting the surrogate. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, surrogacy still requires you to have at least one person who can be your go-to support person on the journey, for everything from childcare if needed, to pregnancy cravings, and possible 3 AM phone calls!

Relationship status?

AKA who runs your world? Is it a little human who doesn’t let you go to the bathroom alone? Mommas, we know the feeling! But it’s okay because to be a gestational surrogate, you need to be currently raising your own child within your home or have already raised a child(ren). (A stage 5 bathroom clinger counts!)

Do you have kids of your own?

Lifestyle Requirements

If you meet the above criteria, awesome! Next, we want to learn more about your day-to-day life and hobbies:

Relationship status?

While a surrogate doesn’t have to have a romantic relationship or partner, if they do, the partner would need to be briefed, involved, and committed to supporting the surrogate. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, surrogacy still requires you to have at least one person who can be your go-to support person on the journey, for everything from childcare if needed, to pregnancy cravings, and possible 3 AM phone calls!

Do you have kids of your own?

AKA who runs your world? Is it a little human who doesn’t let you go to the bathroom alone? Mommas, we know the feeling! But it’s okay because to be a gestational surrogate, you need to be currently raising your own child within your home or have already raised a child(ren). (A stage 5 bathroom clinger counts!)

Are you into tattoos or piercings?

Love this for you, but we’ll need to double-check that you got them at a clean and licensed shop by a professional, especially if it’s been within the last 12 months.

Lifestyle Requirements

If you meet the above criteria, awesome! Next, we want to learn more about your day-to-day life and hobbies:

Timeline Requirements

Every woman’s surrogacy is different. You’ll have the opportunity to share with us when you believe you’d be ready to begin your surrogacy (we’re on YOUR schedule!). In general, a surrogacy journey can last anywhere from 18-24 months from start to finish. Here’s an idea of what to  expect during this time.

Application process and screening

Matching with an agency and then with intended parents

Legal contracts and medical screening

Medications and IVF appointments (traveling for your embryo transfer, a trip that’s about 3 days)

Building a relationship with your intended parents

Agency team check-ins 

Growing a little baby! 

What Disqualifies You From Being A Surrogate?

If you find out you do not qualify to be a surrogate, here could be some reasons why: 

Should you be disqualified from being a surrogate you need to remember — you’ve done nothing wrong! In most cases, what disqualifies you from being a surrogate has to do with not meeting a fertility clinic and/or American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s guidelines for what would constitute the groundwork for a successful surrogacy journey. It’s not a reflection of who you are as a person, and does not impact your ability to have your own successful pregnancies.

You’ll answer these questions on our compatibility form at your own pace, and then a team member will pick it up from there. We’ll help you figure out what next steps are best for you! No matter what, remember you’re amazing for even considering becoming a surrogate, and you’re never on this journey alone.

You've found your community

Not being between the ages of 21-42 years old

Not having a child of your own

Not living in a surrogacy-friendly state

Having a BMI higher than 35

Not being a U.S. Citizen or green card holder

Being a smoker

Not meeting financial requirements

What's The Timeline Of Being A Surrogate?

We want surrogacy to fit into your life. We know you’re balancing all the things and usually doing it all on the same day. (#MomGoals, truly.) While surrogacy is a time investment, it can happen alongside your busy life. Most surrogates share that every surrogacy milestone they check off their list gives them the energy they need to keep moving forward on their journeys.

What you should know:

Two young boys playing in a room filled with toys

How Long Does Surrogacy Take?

All surrogacy journeys are unique, including how long they take. Here is a breakdown of a surrogacy journey with general timing. Remember, it may take you more or less time for these milestones.

Your life keeps happening, and everyone on your care team at and beyond understands that — the goal is always to work around your schedule as much as possible

Your surrogacy agreement will outline all the “but, what if this happens…” scenarios so you’re not caught off guard if something takes longer (or shorter) than expected

Your surrogacy journey will have clear boundaries and clear expectations so that you know exactly what you’re signing up for

Sticky note that says "A typical surrogacy journey is usually around 18 - 24 months long from application to post-delivery."

Applying & Joining Your Surrogate Community

(+1 month)

Where your energy will be going: 

Filling out a compatibility form (think matchmaking, but with potential people you’d be helping grow a family!)

Q+A with surrogates who have been there, done that, and can answer all your questions

Celebrating because you were accepted as a surrogate! Welcome to the sisterhood.

Creating a profile for parent matching

Sharing your full pregnancy and delivery records with your new agency

Pregnancy Prep Time

(2-4 months)

Once a surrogate and intended parents match, everyone’s attention will shift to the legal and medical side of surrogacy.


Where your energy will be going:

Medical screening with intended parents’ IVF clinic

Negotiating and signing your surrogacy agreement with your lawyer

Learning how to start your IVF journey

Being on the receiving end of endless support from your care team, family, and friends

Returning to the IP’s IVF clinic for embryo transfer — YAY!

Matching With An Agency & Intended Parents!

(1-2 months)

The best part about our team is that we can help you work through what you’re looking for in a surrogacy agency. We’ll take everything you share with us and present you with agency options that fit your needs. Once you make an agency selection, you’ll work with them to find the right intended parents for you.

Where your energy will be going:

Working with us to identify an agency that’s right for you

Completing a psychological evaluation and social work meeting

Reviewing intended parent profiles

Meeting potential intended parents via video

Officially matching!

It’s Delivery Time!

(The most special day!)

This is the day you’ve been waiting for: you get to deliver your surrobaby and see the pure joy on your intended parents’ faces as they meet and hold their baby for the first time (cue the tears!). YOU DID IT!

Where your energy will be going: 

Doing your part in your IPs securing their parental rights

Following your birth plan (as much as you can, babies can be unpredictable!)

Watching your intended parents fall in love with their baby

Saying goodbye to baby and intended parents

Prepping for pumping and shipping breast milk, only if this is part of your surrogacy agreement

Life Post-Delivery

(3+ months & beyond)

The fourth trimester is here! A surrogate’s role as a caretaker for the intended parents’ child ends during this step, but this doesn’t mean her care team at the agency or her support team at home stops caring for her.

Where your energy will be going: 

You, you, you! These few months focus on how to make you the happiest, most grounded version of yourself

Self-care. Some surrogates even plan a vacation to celebrate their pregnancy's end!

Spending time with your family

Getting back to “normal” and your day-to-day life, hobbies, and relationships

Get Ready For Your Pregnancy Glow!

(9+ months)

Fingers crossed you have a successful transfer and you’re pregnant! You’ve been here before! But, even though you know what to expect, we still want to add to your “what to expect when you’re expecting for intended parents” list. 

Where your energy will be going: 

Continuing medications until around 10-12 weeks of pregnancy

Being released to your OB for routine check ups

Experiencing the ups and downs of how pregnancy unfolds for you

Cultivating a supportive relationship with your intended parents

Completing your birth plan with your intended parents

All in you’d be committing to an 18-24 month-long journey if all goes as planned. But here’s the most important reminder — no matter what stage of your surrogacy journey you’re in, you are never walking the path alone. No matter how long it takes,

we're always by your side.

What's The Timeline
Of Being A Surrogate?

We want surrogacy to fit into your life. We know you’re balancing all the things and usually doing it all on the same day. (#MomGoals, truly.) While surrogacy is a time investment, it can happen alongside your busy life. Most surrogates share that every surrogacy milestone they check off their list gives them the energy they need to keep moving forward on their journeys.

What you should know:

How Long Does Surrogacy Take?

All surrogacy journeys are unique, including how long they take. Here is a breakdown of a surrogacy journey with general timing. Remember, it may take you more or less time for these milestones.

Your life keeps happening, and everyone on your care team at and beyond understands that — the goal is always to work around your schedule as much as possible

Your surrogacy agreement will outline all the “but, what if this happens…” scenarios so you’re not caught off guard if something takes longer (or shorter) than expected

Your surrogacy journey will have clear boundaries and clear expectations so that you know exactly what you’re signing up for

Applying & Joining Your Surrogate Community

(+1 month)

Where your energy will be going: 

Filling out a compatibility form (think matchmaking, but with potential people you’d be helping grow a family!)

Q+A with surrogates who have been there, done that, and can answer all your questions

Celebrating because you were accepted as a surrogate! Welcome to the sisterhood.

Creating a profile for parent matching

Sharing your full pregnancy and delivery records with your new agency

Pregnancy Prep Time

(2-4 months)

Once a surrogate and intended parents match, everyone’s attention will shift to the legal and medical side of surrogacy.


Where your energy will be going:

Medical screening with intended parents’ IVF clinic

Negotiating and signing your surrogacy agreement with your lawyer

Learning how to start your IVF journey

Being on the receiving end of endless support from your care team, family, and friends

Returning to the IP’s IVF clinic for embryo transfer — YAY!

Matching With An Agency & Intended Parents!

(1-2 months)

The best part about our team here is that we can help you work through what you’re looking for in a surrogacy agency. We’ll take everything you share with us and present you with agency options that fit your needs. Once you make an agency selection, you’ll work with them to find the right intended parents for you.


Where your energy will be going:

Working with us to identify an agency that’s right for you

Completing a psychological evaluation and social work meeting

Reviewing intended parent profiles

Meeting potential intended parents via video

Officially matching!

It’s Delivery Time!

(The most special day!)

This is the day you’ve been waiting for: you get to deliver your surrobaby and see the pure joy on your intended parents’ faces as they meet and hold their baby for the first time (cue the tears!). YOU DID IT!

Where your energy will be going: 

Doing your part in your IPs securing their parental rights

Following your birth plan (as much as you can, babies can be unpredictable!)

Watching your intended parents fall in love with their baby

Saying goodbye to baby and intended parents

Prepping for pumping and shipping breast milk, only if this is part of your surrogacy agreement

Life Post-Delivery

(3+ months & beyond)

The fourth trimester is here! A surrogate’s role as a caretaker for the intended parents’ child ends during this step, but this doesn’t mean her care team at the agency or her support team at home stops caring for her.

Where your energy will be going: 

You, you, you! These few months focus on how to make you the happiest, most grounded version of yourself

Self-care. Some surrogates even plan a vacation to celebrate their pregnancy's end!

Spending time with your family

Getting back to “normal” and your day-to-day life, hobbies, and relationships

Get Ready For Your Pregnancy Glow!

(9+ months)

Fingers crossed you have a successful transfer and you’re pregnant! You’ve been here before! But, even though you know what to expect, we still want to add to your “what to expect when you’re expecting for intended parents” list. 

Where your energy will be going: 

Continuing medications until around 10-12 weeks of pregnancy

Being released to your OB for routine check ups

Experiencing the ups and downs of how pregnancy unfolds for you

Cultivating a supportive relationship with your intended parents

Completing your birth plan with your intended parents

All in you’d be committing to an 18-24 month-long journey if all goes as planned. But here’s the most important reminder — no matter what stage of your surrogacy journey you’re in, you are never walking the path alone. No matter how long it takes,

we're always by your side.

"My surrogacy journey was wonderful, especially once I was officially matched with my intended parents. It was important to me that I found intended parents who felt like we could be friends. This helped so much throughout the journey."


"Do it! If you are thinking about it, now is the time. Don’t let this moment pass you by."


"I knew I wanted to carry for LGBTQ+ IP(s) because I wanted to put more love and acceptance into the world. What better way to multiply love than to help build families?"


"It was a journey through and through. There were ups and downs, bumps and delays, and the hardest pregnancy to date, but never once did I waiver in why I was doing this."




  • Yes, you can qualify to become a surrogate if you’re between the ages of 21 and 42 years old. 

  • No, as a gestational surrogate, you will not share any genetic ties to the baby, unlike a traditional surrogate who uses her own eggs.  

  • Generally, you can be a surrogate if you’ve had six or fewer previous pregnancies and deliveries and no more than three c-sections. However, this may depend on your health and other specific guidelines.  

  • From matching with the intended parents to delivering the baby, the surrogacy process can take approximately 18 to 24 months from start to finish. This timeline may vary depending on the medical and legal steps involved. 

  • No, surrogates are generally required to have had at least one successful pregnancy and delivery without complications.

  • If you miscarry, you’ll receive our support, guidance, and resources throughout the next steps, which may include trying to get pregnant again. This will be discussed and decided between you and the intended parents, and these details are typically included in the surrogacy contract.  

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Sticky note that says "We'll set you up with everything you need to know."


Blog Posts

Can I Be a Surrogate If … ? FAQ for Prospective Surrogates

Wondering whether you'd qualify to become a surrogate? answers some of your top questions about whether you can become a surrogate in certain circumstances.

Navigating Single Parent Surrogacy

Single parent surrogacy offers its own unique joys and challenges. Learn how the surrogacy process adapts for single intended parents and what surrogates and single parents alike can expect from this meaningful partnership.

Surrogacy and Family: Talking to Your Kids About Being a Surrogate

Wondering how to explain surrogacy to your kids? Discover tips on starting the conversation, involving them in the journey, and celebrating your family's unique role.

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